Alterego Repair Shampoo 修護洗髮露

常规价格 $188.00


Alterego 修護洗髮露 300ml/ 950ml

含有多種氨基酸及角蛋白成份,透過以上成份,可對頭髮發揮出增強及修復作用同時對頭髮發揮出增強修復頭髮,令頭髮結構更強韌緊實、健康及有光澤。角蛋白有效減少折斷開叉填補髮質多孔性, 特別適用於受損及脆弱髮質 有助加強頭髮鎖水能力回復彈性自然光澤

💯 % Made in Italy 🇮🇹

Alterego Repair Shampoo 300ml/ 950ml

Gently cleanses and strengthens the hair structure while protecting hair fiber. The innovative mix of amino acids offers an immediate restorative action, leaving hair strong, healthy and shiny.

Use: apply to wet hair and scalp, massage and leave on for a few minutes, then rinse.  Apply again if necessary.

💯 % Made in Italy 🇮🇹