Alterego Silk Oil Shampoo 堅果滋潤洗髮露

定價 $198.00


AlterEgo 堅果滋潤洗髮露 (300ml/ 950ml)


💁🏻‍♀️ 摩洛哥堅果油和 椰子油 🥥 等精油的混合物

💁🏻‍♀️ 堅果滋潤系列針對粗硬,極度乾燥髮質 ✨

✅ 可滋養和撫平頭髮纖維

✅ 使頭髮更柔軟

✅ 更亮麗且更易於處理

✅ 滋潤極難梳理的頭髮

✅ 防靜電

✅ 令頭髮更順服

✅ 即時令頭髮更有柔順感

✅ 其絲滑感更為持久


💯 % Made in Italy 🇮🇹


AlterEgo Silk Oil shampoo (300ml/ 950ml)

Silk Oil is the complete range of treatment products dedicated to nourish and smoothen the finer, making hair softer, brighter and easier to manger.

It instantly makes the hair feel luxurious, transforming it for long lasting sensation of unique silkiness.

The product family completes the other haircare lines, by providing additional nourishment and maintaining bounce.

✅ Gentle and lush cleansing action on both natural and treated hair

✅ Nourishes and tames even the most difficult hair

✅ Static electricity control 

✅ Ideal for unruly and frizz hair

✅ 99% of natural origin ingredients

Benefits: The gentle cleansing nourishes hair and smooths the hair fiber. Hair will be softer, brighter and easier to manage. Controls static and frizz. 99% natural ingredients.

How to use: Apply to wet hair and massage into a lather. Rinse completely.

💯 % Made in Italy 🇮🇹